31 May Financial Literacy Workshops – 4 part series
You are invited to:
The Humanitarian Organization for Providing Empowerment (H.O.P.E.) aims to work in partnership with social services providers for the marginalized community and those who are less fortunate – in ways that show awareness and respect for their backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. H.O.P.E. is a peer-generated grassroots initiative and do not work under the constraints of any existing organizations. Instead of charity work, H.O.P.E.’s philosophy resonates around the concept of mutual aid—where there is a common established goal that guides their actions to host events that will benefit all parties involved.
Belkin House has the wonderful opportunity to collaborate with H.O.P.E. and TD ABC Matters to provide a series of four Financial Literacy Workshops that will be facilitated virtually.
We will be hosting four virtual workshops from 2-4pm on the following dates. Click on link for event information:
● Wednesday, June 30th (Workshop 1 of 4)
● Monday, July 5th (Workshop 2 of 4)
● Wednesday, July 7th (Workshop 3 of 4)
● Friday, July 9th (Workshop 4 of 4)
These workshops will engage in topics related to spending plans, basic banking, borrowing money, and ways to save. Additionally, for your participation, you will receive a Care Package that includes a financial literacy planner to help navigate through the workshop, PLUS MUCH MORE!
This event is FREE! Register for this virtual workshop to get your very own Care Package! If you are an organizer for a group or an individual who would like to attend, register, and arrange for obtaining care packages that will be available as of June 16, contact Alvin @ alvin.chong@salvationarmy.ca
ZOOM meeting number: 864 607 3985 Password: 1234
For additional information, visit:
H.O.P.E. Initiative: thehopeinitiative.ca
Belkin House: belkinhousesa.ca
TD ABC Matters: abcmoneymatters.ca
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