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We desire that every individual who comes to us will know that they are deeply valued; that they will discover a fresh opportunity for positive change and for new life; and that they will experience community, healing, and transformation. Belkin House provides a temporary home to those who are experiencing, or at risk of homelessness. Within our state-of-the-art purposed built facility, we house a diversity of individuals within a blend of residential programs.

For inquiries related to Residential Services contact us: Belkinhouse.Admin@salvationarmy.ca


Our Shelter Mission Statement

“The Emergency Shelter exists to provide shelter, safety, and person-centred support to help clients achieve their goals and find stable housing.”

In partnership with BC Housing and Downtown Community Court, Belkin House offers temporary shelter for 84 adults (and children with their female guardian) in an alcohol and drug-free environment. The shelter is open year-round, provides 3 meals a day along with other supports, and is wheelchair accessible. In addition, Belkin House operates an Extreme Weather Response shelter from November 1 through March 31 in partnership with BC Housing and the City of Vancouver. To check shelter availability or to be added to the waitlist at Belkin House, visit us in person, or call the front desk at 604-681-3405. To check emergency shelter availability in general, call 2-1-1.

In Men’s shelter, there are 54 beds and in Women’s shelter, there are 29 beds. Limited shared rooms for women with children under the age of 13 years.

Additional general information:

  • Intake process starts by coming to Belkin House in-person
  • Emergency Shelter is offered year-round to men and women 19 years and older.
  • Men’s and Women’s shelter on respective floors.
  • Meals provided in our dining room. Special diets may be accommodated. Bagged lunch requests available.
  • Maximum stay is 30 days. Clients must return daily by 11:00pm to retain their bed.
  • Alcohol- and drug-free environment.
  • Wheelchair accessible.


In partnership with Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), the CCMS is a risk-based community release program, whereby subsequent to a risk assessment, a CBSA officer or the Immigration Refugee Board (IRB) determines that an individual’s risk can be managed in community, resulting in a release from detention. CCMS is intended to promote detention avoidance or detention release for persons that remain compliant with the CBSA but who may lack a bondsperson, or who require social service support in addition to a bondsperson to mitigate risk upon release into the community. Belkin House is experienced in the delivery of community case management to individuals that pose some level of security risk to the public or risk to the integrity of CBSA’s immigration enforcement program.


In partnership with Corrections Services Canada (CSC), Belkin House provides up to 30 beds for male Federal offenders re-integrating into the community. High, medium, and low-risk offenders are provided assistance and guidance to negotiate the critical transition from confinement to the community in a caring andĀ supportive environment. These supports may include basic necessities of food and shelter, employment services, education, and counselling services.